With this you can run TC in fullscreen as if running on Windows XP. The most important thing is that you can also run programs of graphics.h and many more...
Here are the steps you need to follow:
2) Install DosBox on your machine.
3) Now see that you have setup of TC on C: drive it should look like this (C:\TC\BIN), if it’s not installed in this manner, you change it, so it can be easy for you to run on DosBox.
4) Also copy EGAVGA.BGI from c:\TC\BGI to c:\TC\BIN. Now, it’s time to run DosBox. After running dosbox press ”alt+enter” for full screen.
5) Now type “mount c c:\tc” (exclude quotes) then press Enter. It will be printed that “Drive C is mounted as local directory c:\tc\”
6) Now change drive form z: to c: , for that just type “c:” press enter.
7) You will be in C: drive, type “cd bin” press enter.
8) After entering in c:\BIN just type “tc” press enter.
9) You are done.
Change the directories as shown in below image:
1. In dosbox , You will have problem with some keys (especially in HP laptops), so you can read the dosbox manual and solve it, even you can comment and ask me.
2. The major problem is that dosbox exits on pressing “ctrl+f9”, by which we run program in TC. So for that just press “ctrl+f1”, a key mapper will be displayed. On Key mapper single click on “SHUTDOWN”, after that click on “DEL” button below it. Don’t forget to Save & Exit.
Nikunj N. Bhagat
Nikunj N. Bhagat